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Test ID:10773
Category:Web application abuses
Title:MacOS X Finder '.FBCIndex' Information Disclosure
Summary:MacOS X creates a hidden file, '.FBCIndex' in each directory that has been; viewed with the Finder. This file contains the content of the files present; in the directory, giving an attacker information on the HTML tags, JavaScript,; passwords, or any other sensitive word used inside those files.
MacOS X creates a hidden file, '.FBCIndex' in each directory that has been
viewed with the Finder. This file contains the content of the files present
in the directory, giving an attacker information on the HTML tags, JavaScript,
passwords, or any other sensitive word used inside those files.

Block access to hidden files (starting with a dot) within your webservers

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Cross-Ref: BugTraq ID: 3325
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2001-1446
Bugtraq: 20010910 Re: More security problems in Apache on Mac OS X (Google Search)
CERT/CC vulnerability note: VU#177243
XForce ISS Database: macos-apache-directory-disclosure(7103)
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2001 Matt Moore, Modified by Noam Rathaus

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