Security Space Managed DNS

Dynamic DNS Clients
The following clients have been verified to work with the SecuritySpace Dynamic DNS service. If none of these work for you, and you have a modest level of development experience, the specification for our update protocol is simple to implement.

3DWatch 2.4 (Windows 98/Me/2000/XP)Author: EUROCOMP
A Windows client that can operate as a service or stand-alone task. Provides local and remote IP address detection, automatic updates when IP address changes, multiple account updates, keep alive function, and more.

In order for this client to work with SecuritySpace, you will need to update your 3DServices.ini file which should be found in the 3D Program Files directory. This updated .ini file contains the necessary configuration entries to support the SecuritySpace DNS service.

ddclient v3.6.3a (Linux, Unix, FreeBSD)Author: Paul Burry
ddclient is a small Perl client that runs under most UNIX Oses. It runs under most UNIX OSes and has been tested under Linux and FreeBSD. It supports: daemon mode operation, manual and automatic updates, optimized updates for multiple addresses, abuse avoidance, retrying failed updates, and sending update status to syslog and through e-mail. ddclient obtains your IP address from any interface, web based IP detection, Watchguard's SOHO router, Netopia's R910 router, SMC's Barricade broadband router, Netgear's RT3xx router, Linksys' broadband routers, MaxGate's UGATE-3x00 routers, ELSA's LANCOM DSL/10 routers, Cisco's 2610, 3com 3c886a 56k Lan Modem, SOHOWare BroadGuard NBG800, and almost every other router with user configurable FW definitions (see the sample configuration file). Comes with sample scripts for use with DHCP, PPP, and cron. See the README for more information.

SecuritySpace Dynamic DNS Protocol Specification
Want to write your own update client? The format of an update request is a simple HTTP request, with an appropriate set of parameters specified to identify the account to use, the host names to update, and the IP address to be used in any update request.

GET /dns/dynamic.html?,
Authorization: Basic username:pass 

Noteworthy elements in the above request:

  1. The "GET" may be replaced with a "POST" if you so choose. POST requests require additional HTTP headers (see the HTTP specifications).
  2. You may specify numerous hostname values, comma separated. All will be assigned the IP address held in the "myip" parameter.
  3. "username:pass" is a base 64 encoded text string.
  4. The above example is shown accessing our secure SSL web server. You may, at your discretion, use an unencrypted (non-SSL) request directed at, changing the "Host:" header accordingly. However, we advise against this as it means the username and password can be intercepted using network sniffing techniques.

Responses consists of one or more lines of text, as follows:

nohostThe request was missing hostname parameters.
911The update request failed with an internal error.
badauthThe username-password combination was not valid.
blockedDomain updates are blocked, usually due to too many client updates in too short a period of time. Fix your client, then email/call us to have the block removed.
good $ip_addressUpdate made.
nochg $hostnameUpdate not necessary - no change in the IP address for the specified host.

N.B. The response strings good and nochg will exist one per line for each hostname in the update request, and will be specified in the same order as in the update request.

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