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Test ID:10772
Category:Web application abuses
Title:PHP-Nuke copying files security vulnerability (admin.php)
Summary:Determine if a remote host is vulnerable to the admin.php vulnerability; in PHP-Nuke.
Determine if a remote host is vulnerable to the admin.php vulnerability
in PHP-Nuke.

Vulnerability Insight:
The remote host seems to be vulnerable to a security problem in
PHP-Nuke (admin.php).

The vulnerability is caused by inadequate processing of queries by PHP-Nuke's admin.php which enables
attackers to copy any file from the operating system to anywhere else on the operating system.

Vulnerability Impact:
Every file that the webserver has access to can be read by anyone.
Furthermore, any file can be overwritten. Usernames (used for database access) can be compromised.
Administrative privileges can be gained by copying sensitive files.

Affected Software/OS:
PHP-Nuke 5.2 and earlier, except 5.0RC1.

Upgrade to Version 5.3 or above. As a workaround change the following lines
in admin.php:



if(($upload) && ($admintest))

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Cross-Ref: BugTraq ID: 3361
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2001-1032
Bugtraq: 20010924 twlc advisory: all versions of php nuke are vulnerable... (Google Search)
XForce ISS Database: php-nuke-admin-file-overwrite(7170)
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2001 SecurITeam

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