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Test ID:10514
Category:CGI abuses
Title:Directory listing through Sambar's search.dll

The 'search.dll' CGI which comes with Sambar server can be
used to obtain a listing of the remote web server directories
even if they have a default page such as index.html.

This allows an attacker to gain valuable information about the
directory structure of the remote host and could reveal the
presence of files which are not intended to be visible.

Solution : disable the search.dll CGI, or upgrade to Sambar 4.4b4
Risk factor : Low

Cross-Ref: BugTraq ID: 1684
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2000-0835
Bugtraq: 20000915 Sambar Server search CGI vulnerability (Google Search)
CopyrightThis script is Copyright (C) 2000 Renaud Deraison

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