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Test ID:10077
Category:CGI abuses
Title:Microsoft Frontpage exploits

The remote web server appears to be running with the Frontpage extensions.
Frontpage allows remote web developers and administrators to modify web
content from a remote location. While this is a fairly typical scenario
on an internal Local Area Network, the Frontpage extensions should not
be available to anonymous users via the Internet (or any other untrusted
3rd party network).

You should double check the configuration since a lot of security problems
have been found with FrontPage when the configuration file is not well set up.

Risk factor : High if your configuration file is not well set up

Cross-Ref: Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2000-0114
Bugtraq: 20000203 2 MS Frontpage issues Cerberus Information Security Advisory (CISADV000203) (Google Search)
CopyrightThis script is Copyright (C) 1999 Renaud Deraison

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