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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
December 1st, 2006

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 6542169 pages retrieved from 661085 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
googlesyndication.com69907 script[95.8%], s[2.2%], img[1.5%], iframe[1.4%], frame[0.1%]
google-analytics.com42487 script[97.7%], s[2.2%]
google.com22251 img[91.7%], script[6.3%], iframe[0.9%], embed[2.3%], frame[0.1%], s[0.2%]
doubleclick.net9019 img[95.1%], script[47.6%], iframe[23.1%], layer[2.7%], ilayer[0.2%]
alexa.com8599 script[85.4%], img[13.4%], iframe[1.4%], s[0.6%], frame[0.2%], input[0.2%]
extreme-dm.com8080 img[99.9%]
statcounter.com7950 img[96.3%], script[93.9%], s[1.3%]
amazon.com7274 input[9.2%], img[76.1%], iframe[35.8%], script[4.7%], frame[0.2%]
rambler.ru6336 img[99.7%], script[0.5%]
memberdoorway.com5769 img[100.0%]
sedoparking.com5661 img[58.9%], frame[29.7%], script[24.0%], input[12.4%], iframe[5.6%]
streetmeatasia.com5464 img[100.0%], iframe[97.8%]
yimg.com5454 img[89.5%], script[3.8%], input[10.7%], embed[0.5%]
yahoo.com5304 img[86.4%], input[2.7%], script[9.9%], frame[2.7%], s[0.1%], iframe[1.1%]
linksynergy.com5214 img[97.9%], script[1.8%], frame[0.4%], iframe[0.1%], s[0.1%]
sitemeter.com5209 script[78.0%], img[95.5%], s[3.1%]
list.ru5031 img[100.0%]
tsthumbs.com4663 iframe[100.0%]
information.com4251 frame[94.6%], iframe[5.4%]
yadro.ru4130 img[100.0%]
hotlog.ru4086 img[100.0%], script[0.4%]
w3.org3776 img[99.9%]
yandex.ru3665 img[68.3%], script[52.1%], iframe[0.4%]
qksrv.net3546 img[99.4%], frame[0.7%], iframe[0.1%]
nedstatbasic.net3338 img[24.1%], script[87.7%], s[1.3%]
bfast.com3320 img[96.0%], script[10.0%], frame[0.5%], iframe[1.6%]
liveperson.net3317 img[65.6%], script[72.5%], iframe[1.5%], s[0.1%]
xiti.com3230 img[100.0%]
afcyhf.com3227 img[99.9%]
spylog.com3218 img[100.0%], script[0.7%]
travelnow.com3183 img[94.1%], script[2.9%], frame[4.6%], iframe[1.6%], input[0.3%], s[0.1%], embed[0.1%], im[0.1%]
wunderground.com3133 img[99.7%], frame[0.7%], script[0.1%]
gemius.pl3111 script[75.2%], iframe[22.9%], img[2.4%], s[0.1%]
awltovhc.com3100 img[100.0%]
ladyboycock.com3000 img[100.0%], iframe[97.2%], input[37.5%], image[31.2%]
thumbshots.org2812 img[100.0%]
ebay.com2807 img[49.5%], script[49.0%], input[1.0%], iframe[0.6%], s[0.9%], frame[1.1%]
dtiserv2.com2757 iframe[100.0%], frame[2.1%]
hostingprod.com2723 script[99.8%], img[0.4%]
paypal.com2603 img[67.5%], input[35.6%], image[0.2%]
bravenet.com2593 script[71.2%], img[54.0%], frame[0.7%], iframe[1.1%], s[0.2%]
youtube.com2498 embed[96.6%], img[4.0%], iframe[0.4%], br[0.2%]
weather.com2353 script[75.6%], img[20.6%], input[15.4%], frame[1.8%], s[0.7%], iframe[0.6%]
skenzo.com2277 script[100.0%], input[47.0%], img[100.0%]
atdmt.com2132 iframe[29.3%], img[95.8%], script[10.0%]
4jobs.com2114 script[80.9%], img[82.4%], input[17.6%]
sonnerie.net2107 iframe[86.5%], img[19.0%], frame[1.2%], script[2.4%], embed[0.2%]
akamai.net2096 img[93.0%], script[10.3%], input[11.4%], embed[0.8%], iframe[0.2%]
overture.com2085 script[93.3%], iframe[0.4%], img[4.1%], s[2.4%], embed[0.4%]
0directory.com2071 img[100.0%]
soufun.com2066 img[97.6%], iframe[94.1%], input[17.8%], embed[89.8%], script[6.2%], im[0.2%]
beyond.com2055 img[100.0%]
ftjcfx.com2006 img[100.0%]
pornwww.com1944 img[100.0%]
flickr.com1905 script[30.7%], img[83.9%], s[0.9%], iframe[1.8%], content[0.2%]
halflemon.com1902 iframe[100.0%], ifra[10.8%], ifram[9.9%], i[9.9%], if[11.3%], ifr[11.3%]
technorati.com1873 script[82.8%], img[19.7%], s[2.9%], iframe[0.2%]
advertising.com1863 script[76.2%], img[96.6%], embed[0.4%], s[0.8%], iframe[2.7%]
tqlkg.com1853 img[100.0%]
qq.com1852 img[76.2%], script[23.3%], frame[0.6%], iframe[4.5%], embed[1.0%], input[0.5%], s[0.2%], i[0.1%], bgsound[0.1%]
kanacha.com1837 img[100.0%]
onserf.com1823 script[100.0%]
qsksrv.net1779 img[100.0%]
123student.com1779 iframe[100.0%] script[16.9%], img[91.5%], embed[2.7%], iframe[1.2%], frame[1.2%], input[1.5%], image[0.8%], s[0.4%]
oingo.com1744 iframe[61.2%], frame[38.8%]
casalemedia.com1737 script[80.1%], iframe[42.0%], img[0.4%], s[3.0%]
assoc-amazon.com1716 img[86.8%], script[49.5%], s[0.5%]
webmasterplan.com1714 img[74.8%], frame[2.8%], iframe[15.1%], script[7.8%], input[0.7%], s[1.1%], 303[0.1%]
lduhtrp.net1711 img[100.0%], im[0.2%]
dreamin100.com1710 img[100.0%] iframe[14.2%], img[90.3%], script[50.6%], frame[0.7%], embed[7.3%], s[0.1%]
free.fr1638 img[74.4%], embed[1.9%], frame[13.2%], iframe[10.7%], script[3.8%], input[0.1%], bgsound[0.4%], s[0.1%]
photobucket.com1637 img[98.2%], embed[3.3%], input[0.6%], image[1.4%], br[0.2%], iframe[0.2%]
tribalfusion.com1628 img[99.6%], s[0.8%], iframe[2.8%], embed[0.4%]
linkexchange.com1563 img[97.5%], iframe[66.6%]
a8.net1492 img[100.0%]
webtrendslive.com1490 img[100.0%]
fastclick.net1489 img[21.6%], script[74.6%], iframe[4.0%], s[0.6%]
ian.com1467 img[63.1%], iframe[29.2%], input[4.6%], script[4.1%], frame[9.7%]
adbrite.com1450 script[94.9%], img[10.1%], iframe[1.1%], s[1.3%]
addfreestats.com1448 script[79.1%], img[85.9%], s[2.9%]
bcentral.com1445 img[96.0%], input[3.8%], script[4.9%], frame[0.2%], iframe[0.3%]
tradedoubler.com1435 img[67.6%], iframe[12.2%], script[53.7%], a[0.1%], s[0.7%], frame[1.2%]
directnic.com1424 img[100.0%], input[2.4%]
feedburner.com1419 img[92.7%], script[12.8%], s[0.2%], span[0.2%], frame[0.2%], div[0.1%]
all-the-hotels.net1411 img[100.0%], script[52.2%]
hitbox.com1411 img[84.8%], script[27.5%], iframe[1.7%], input[0.2%], font[0.2%]
valuecommerce.com1404 img[99.2%], iframe[71.4%], script[70.3%], frame[0.1%]
espotting.com1372 img[98.9%], frame[0.7%], script[1.1%], iframe[0.4%]
2o7.net1363 img[100.0%]
shinystat.it1358 script[92.4%], img[82.6%], s[0.5%]
affili.net1353 img[100.0%]
dtiserv.com1334 img[98.9%], embed[3.8%], iframe[5.4%], br[0.5%], input[1.1%]
adriver.ru1299 iframe[75.7%], img[80.2%], script[19.3%] frame[3.2%], iframe[42.3%], img[70.5%], embed[24.8%], script[24.5%], input[18.3%], bgsound[0.2%] iframe[14.2%], img[86.2%], ilayer[0.7%], script[2.8%], frame[0.4%], i[0.1%], image[0.1%]
geocities.com1231 frame[24.5%], img[67.4%], iframe[1.9%], embed[2.2%], script[6.5%], bgsound[0.6%], br[0.2%], image[0.2%]
affilimatch.de1226 script[100.0%]
etracker.de1222 img[99.8%], script[4.0%], s[0.2%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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