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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
January 1st, 2005

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 14814024 pages retrieved from 1693428 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
rovos.ch1012073 img[100.0%]
googlesyndication.com302076 script[97.2%], img[4.6%], s[2.8%] img[100.0%] img[100.0%]
deviantart.com129975 script[99.4%], img[100.0%], iframe[81.8%], b50[1.3%], i[1.6%], im[2.2%], 5a8[0.6%], 2000[0.4%]
doubleclick.net85868 img[96.6%], script[14.9%], iframe[12.8%], layer[3.1%], s[0.2%]
google.com80880 img[99.1%], frame[0.2%], input[0.6%]
freecam.ch72901 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
hardcorehotel.ch72897 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
s69.ch69962 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
lolos.ch68119 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
gangbang.li67860 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
schlafzimmerblick.ch65024 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
nimm-mich.ch63756 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
sexwitze.ch63252 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
contactphone.ch61752 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
qksrv.net60580 img[99.6%], frame[0.4%], iframe[0.3%]
kontaktanzeige.ch57360 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
amazon.com57299 iframe[16.8%], img[95.0%], script[6.7%], input[46.0%], frame[0.1%], im[0.1%]
larissa.ch56882 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
linksynergy.com56786 img[99.0%], script[0.8%], frame[0.3%]
cyberteens.ch55225 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
extreme-dm.com55066 img[100.0%]
billigtarif.ch54990 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
nedstatbasic.net54892 img[31.3%], script[79.8%], s[1.2%]
bfast.com54767 img[97.4%], iframe[1.1%], script[6.4%], frame[0.5%]
allumeuse.ch53130 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
yimg.com52799 img[94.7%], script[2.9%], input[3.9%], embed[0.2%]
coquine.ch52441 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
sexkatastrophe.ch52212 img[100.0%], frame[100.0%]
memberdoorway.com47645 img[100.0%]
mystats.nl44751 img[99.5%], script[98.0%], s[2.0%]
monster.com41183 img[100.0%], iframe[40.7%], script[40.9%], input[0.3%]
kliks.nl37873 img[92.4%], iframe[33.2%], script[1.8%], frame[1.4%], embed[0.5%]
sitemeter.com37681 script[76.8%], img[97.1%], s[1.0%]
yahoo.com36908 img[85.6%], script[8.8%], input[7.8%], embed[0.4%], frame[2.3%], iframe[0.5%]
go6sear.ch35721 script[100.0%]
automotive.com34081 img[99.8%], script[0.3%]
atdmt.com33737 iframe[17.2%], img[99.5%], script[1.1%]
akamai.net32775 script[62.3%], img[95.6%], input[53.2%], embed[0.4%]
westernunion.com32654 img[100.0%]
myareaguide.com32648 img[100.0%], script[4.8%], input[98.0%], in[0.1%]
jungdn.com32434 img[100.0%]
webbanners.net32371 img[100.0%]
citiesunlimited.com32371 img[100.0%], iframe[99.6%], input[68.8%], if[0.2%] img[100.0%], iframe[2.8%] img[100.0%]
eventinventory.com31056 script[99.2%], frame[0.5%], iframe[0.4%]
roommates.com30872 img[99.2%], iframe[0.8%]
gospelcom.net30697 img[99.1%], script[0.7%]
hardhathosting.com30422 img[100.0%], input[99.9%]
servicemagic.com30343 img[100.0%], script[1.5%], embed[1.5%]
qsrch.com30127 iframe[99.0%], frame[1.0%]
bbonline.com30091 img[99.9%]
dramaticimpact.com30053 img[100.0%]
vogon-data-recovery.com30034 img[100.0%]
mediatrends.net29958 img[100.0%]
streetmeatasia.com29696 img[100.0%]
site-id.nl29452 iframe[16.5%], img[84.7%], embed[2.5%]
startbewijs.nl28900 img[100.0%], embed[39.0%], input[3.2%]
gratisje.nl28894 img[100.0%]
asianstreetmeat.com28239 img[100.0%]
currentconditions.com27889 img[100.0%]
directnic.com27258 img[100.0%], input[0.6%]
foreclosureworld.net27039 img[100.0%]
s69cam.com25802 img[100.0%]
realsearch.com25609 img[100.0%]
s69cam.de24866 img[100.0%]
weerkamer.nl24562 img[99.4%], iframe[0.6%]
images.myareaguide.co23820 img[99.5%], input[0.5%]
triffmichheute.de23784 img[100.0%]
schlafzimmerblick.de23463 img[100.0%]
triff-mich-heute.de23233 img[100.0%]
miarank.com22595 img[100.0%]
www.op.to22199 embed[100.0%]
schweizersex.de21750 img[100.0%]
bravenet.com21537 img[58.3%], script[66.5%], iframe[0.8%], frame[0.4%], s[0.2%]
gemius.pl20830 script[98.4%], img[2.7%], s[0.1%]
wunderground.com20781 img[99.6%], frame[0.6%], iframe[0.3%]
schlafzimmerblick.com20472 img[100.0%]
bookcrossing.com20244 script[99.6%], img[100.0%]
ap.org20226 img[48.2%], input[14.2%], script[56.0%], iframe[0.7%], embed[2.1%]
ladyboycock.com20157 img[100.0%], image[0.5%]
bigwebhost.net19881 img[99.3%], input[1.4%], im[0.7%], frame[0.7%]
rambler.ru19600 img[99.9%], script[0.2%], iframe[0.2%] img[100.0%], i[2.1%] img[100.0%]
bluestreak.com18702 img[17.0%], script[83.0%]
lduhtrp.net18649 img[100.0%] img[100.0%]
linkexchange.com18446 img[97.5%], iframe[69.2%]
artsandtv.com18132 iframe[99.9%], script[100.0%], img[100.0%]
kansas-real-estate.org17380 img[100.0%]
blogger.com17318 img[99.9%], input[38.9%], script[1.2%]
ringtonio.nl17227 script[86.9%], img[2.2%], iframe[0.5%], s[19.0%]
cqcounter.com17035 img[100.0%]
yandex.ru16875 img[63.2%], script[63.4%], embed[19.5%], iframe[0.3%]
xhit.com16358 script[97.2%], img[0.8%], s[2.8%]
lycos.com16318 img[62.6%], script[81.6%], layer[38.6%], frame[0.3%]
jouwpagina.nl16207 iframe[53.8%], script[94.3%], img[3.3%], frame[0.5%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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