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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
November 1st, 2024

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 74310181 pages retrieved from 7929326 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
baidu.com58816 SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[0.1%], iframe[1.8%], img[5.5%], script[93.7%]
google.com55583 IFRAME[0.1%], IMG[1.6%], SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[0.8%], iframe[18.5%], img[10.1%], script[73.5%], scriptx[0.4%]
googleapis.com48548 SCRIPT[0.1%], img[0.7%], script[99.2%]
googlecode.com43309 script[99.9%]
youtube.com36334 EMBED[0.4%], IFRAME[0.5%], embed[35.1%], iframe[64.7%], img[7.1%], script[1.1%]
qq.com34825 IMG[0.6%], SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[0.7%], iframe[2.3%], img[66.1%], script[31.3%]
gravatar.com28403 img[94.9%], script[6.9%]
cnzz.com25503 SCRIPT[0.3%], img[0.6%], script[99.3%]
jquery.com24031 script[99.9%]
js.users.51.la20607 SCRIPT[0.1%], script[99.9%]
img.users.51.la19784 IMG[1.2%], img[98.8%]
google-analytics.com18679 SCRIPT[0.7%], img[0.3%], script[98.9%]
googlesyndication.com16943 SCRIPT[1.6%], iframe[0.1%], img[1.9%], script[96.7%]
www.4.cn16694 img[100.0%]
facebook.com16440 IFRAME[0.6%], IMG[0.2%], embed[0.4%], iframe[83.6%], img[13.7%], script[3.5%]
addthis.com12680 SCRIPT[0.3%], iframe[0.1%], img[37.0%], script[92.6%]
www.10065 IMG[0.2%], iframe[0.6%], img[84.7%], script[14.4%]
baidustatic.com9387 img[0.1%], script[99.8%]
parkingcrew.net8099 script[100.0%]
yandex.ru7693 IMG[0.5%], SCRIPT[0.1%], embed[1.2%], iframe[1.4%], img[48.7%], script[66.2%]
twitter.com7630 SCRIPT[0.5%], embed[1.0%], iframe[6.3%], img[0.7%], script[92.0%]
yadro.ru7259 img[100.0%]
rambler.ru7061 IMG[0.6%], img[98.0%], script[62.4%]
jiathis.com6907 SCRIPT[0.1%], img[1.8%], script[98.6%]
searchvity.com6903 FRAME[14.2%], iframe[85.8%]
ad-stir.com6891 script[100.0%]
assets.lolipop.jp6885 img[100.0%]
chem17.com6376 img[99.9%], script[92.0%]
static.bshare.cn6175 SCRIPT[5.1%], img[0.1%], script[98.0%]
statcounter.com5915 IMG[0.7%], SCRIPT[0.8%], img[92.9%], script[67.9%]
adobe.com5587 IMG[0.4%], embed[0.4%], iframe[0.2%], img[97.6%], script[1.3%]
vimeo.com5224 IFRAME[0.2%], embed[14.1%], iframe[86.7%], script[3.6%], source[1.3%], video[0.2%]
m.fsung.cn5191 img[100.0%]
facebook.net4969 SCRIPT[0.2%], script[99.7%]
googletagmanager.com4954 iframe[64.2%], script[55.9%]
cloudflare.com4627 img[0.1%], link[0.2%], script[99.6%]
youku.com4534 EMBED[2.2%], IFRAME[0.6%], embed[43.9%], iframe[56.2%], img[0.1%], script[0.9%], source[0.2%], video[0.2%]
sharethis.com4467 img[0.6%], script[98.9%], scriptx[0.7%]
aliyuncs.com4413 IMG[0.6%], iframe[0.1%], img[56.8%], script[41.2%], source[2.4%], video[1.3%]
w3.org4332 IMG[0.5%], body[1.2%], img[97.7%], style[0.5%]
eabids.com4253 iframe[100.0%], script[94.0%]
mail.ru4192 IMG[1.1%], embed[0.4%], iframe[0.5%], img[88.7%], script[10.7%]
dcs.conac.cn4180 IMG[0.1%], SCRIPT[3.3%], img[5.3%], script[91.8%]
diymysite.com4029 img[100.0%], script[96.2%]
yifajingren.com4010 iframe[1.1%], img[100.0%] IFRAME[1.9%], IMG[0.2%], embed[0.2%], iframe[85.9%], img[3.1%], script[9.2%]
blogspot.com3801 FRAME[1.8%], IFRAME[0.2%], IMG[1.5%], frame[11.7%], iframe[4.2%], img[80.6%], input[0.1%], script[0.2%]
googleadservices.com3436 IMG[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.2%], img[22.8%], script[97.7%]
iyfubh.com3404 iframe[100.0%]
extreme-dm.com3363 IMG[1.8%], img[97.1%], script[1.8%]
amazonaws.com3311 FRAME[0.1%], IMG[1.3%], embed[0.8%], frame[0.5%], iframe[0.4%], img[80.3%], input[0.4%], script[17.7%], source[1.4%], video[0.6%]
fc2.com3201 FRAME[0.4%], IFRAME[0.2%], IMG[2.5%], Img[0.2%], SCRIPT[2.7%], embed[0.4%], frame[0.5%], iframe[1.2%], img[49.2%], s[5.1%], script[77.5%] img[100.0%]
alicdn.com3126 IMG[2.0%], img[94.8%], script[3.5%], source[0.3%], video[0.2%]
amap.com2988 iframe[43.9%], img[0.8%], script[55.8%]
directfwd.com2928 script[100.0%]
ie6countdown.com2913 img[100.0%]
wp.com2858 iframe[5.4%], img[35.7%], script[81.2%]
wordpress.com2813 FRAME[2.4%], IFRAME[0.2%], IMG[0.8%], embed[0.2%], frame[12.5%], iframe[9.7%], img[50.8%], script[26.0%], source[0.1%]
54kefu.net2810 SCRIPT[0.5%], img[0.7%], script[99.1%] IMG[0.1%], img[99.9%]
list.ru2712 IMG[4.5%], img[95.8%]
photobucket.com2654 EMBED[0.2%], IMG[5.0%], br[0.1%], embed[4.7%], iframe[0.8%], img[93.9%], input[0.6%], textarea[0.8%]
businesscatalyst.com2640 frame[0.1%], img[0.1%], script[99.8%]
n.sinaimg.cn2638 IMG[0.5%], embed[0.2%], iframe[0.2%], img[99.2%], script[1.2%], video[0.2%]
404.safedog.cn2569 iframe[99.9%], script[94.8%]
fbcdn.net2560 IMG[1.1%], SCRIPT[0.2%], image[0.3%], img[26.2%], script[72.7%]
amazon.com2335 IFRAME[0.9%], IMG[4.0%], INPUT[0.4%], SCRIPT[6.4%], embed[5.7%], frame[0.2%], iframe[48.4%], img[44.7%], input[4.2%], script[4.5%]
twimg.com2289 SCRIPT[0.6%], image[0.3%], img[11.9%], script[87.4%]
zoosnet.net2206 iframe[0.1%], img[1.8%], script[99.7%]
amazon-adsystem.com2173 IFRAME[0.3%], IMG[0.3%], SCRIPT[9.3%], embed[0.9%], iframe[42.8%], img[52.9%], script[12.1%]
explorefreeresults.com2172 script[100.0%]
bootcss.com2169 script[100.0%]
freeservers.com2133 IMG[99.7%], iframe[0.1%], img[76.5%], script[0.4%]
flickr.com2127 IMG[1.3%], embed[11.8%], frame[0.2%], iframe[4.2%], img[69.7%], script[20.2%]
cdn-image.com2090 img[24.5%], input[7.0%], script[100.0%]
communityarchitect.com2055 IMG[2.5%], img[99.9%]
img-sys.com2035 img[100.0%]
tilda.ws2021 img[100.0%]
bdimg.com1978 IMG[0.3%], SCRIPT[0.2%], img[23.9%], script[75.5%], source[0.1%]
0579cj.com1953 img[0.2%], script[99.9%], source[0.8%]
hotlog.ru1952 img[99.5%], script[1.9%]
xtstatic.com1945 img[100.0%]
07551.com1940 img[99.9%], script[0.2%]
www.86chat.cn1931 script[100.0%] img[100.0%]
53kf.com1899 iframe[0.1%], img[0.2%], script[99.9%]
yahoo.com1895 IFRAME[0.1%], IMG[10.7%], INPUT[0.4%], SCRIPT[0.4%], bug[0.2%], embed[0.1%], frame[0.6%], iframe[2.9%], img[73.9%], input[2.2%], script[17.9%]
adkontekst.pl1892 script[100.0%]
quantserve.com1876 IMG[0.3%], SCRIPT[0.1%], img[98.3%], script[51.0%]
a8.net1874 IMG[8.3%], img[96.3%], script[2.6%]
skype.com1860 IMG[0.6%], SCRIPT[0.5%], img[78.8%], script[55.4%]
hbzhan.com1849 img[100.0%], script[91.5%] IFRAME[0.3%], IMG[13.8%], SCRIPT[0.4%], br[0.1%], embed[0.2%], iframe[2.3%], ilayer[0.2%], img[74.6%], script[33.6%]
toplist.cz1808 IMG[2.8%], ilayer[0.1%], img[97.5%]
xtgem.com1777 bgsound[0.1%], iframe[1.2%], img[96.4%], script[24.7%]
images-amazon.com1774 IMG[3.0%], im[0.1%], img[97.7%], input[0.4%], script[0.2%]
sohu.com1732 EMBED[0.3%], IMG[1.4%], SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[3.6%], iframe[0.6%], img[11.6%], script[83.4%]
free.fr1671 EMBED[0.3%], FRAME[3.4%], IFRAME[0.1%], IMG[1.4%], SCRIPT[0.5%], bgsound[0.1%], embed[0.8%], frame[11.7%], iframe[9.9%], img[45.1%], input[24.9%], script[30.4%], source[0.4%]
51yes.com1656 SCRIPT[0.7%], iframe[0.1%], img[0.1%], script[99.3%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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