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Web Server Market Share Changes Report
February 1st, 2005

Report Description
This report focuses on web server share changes, and highlights for any given server how the change was driven by gains from which competitive products, and how losses were to which products. Because the report view is selective to one product at a time, it highlights how any two products are doing as they compete against each other.

For example, if we look at Apache in the December 2019 report, we can see its biggest competitor, nginx, gained 0.74% market share from Apache, but at the same time, lost 0.46% market share to apache, a net positive gain. When viewed over a period of time, these trends not only indicate how a product is fairing in its market share, but what other products are specifically benefiting from, or losing to, that market product's market share.

Market Share Change Report

Select a server:
Market Share Theft for Apache

Apache Gained Most from:
Server Count % of Apache's Share
Unknown 104515 0.73%
Microsoft 22655 0.16%
Porphyrion 7445 0.05%
Netscape 4206 0.03%
DotTV 2252 0.02%
Zeus 1235 0.01%
cpsrvd 1077 0.01%
Rapidsite 761 0.01%
Mikrosoft-II5 568 0.00%
Other 6581 0.05%
Total 151295 1.06%

Apache Lost Most To:
Server Count % of Apache's Share
Microsoft 26680 0.19%
Unknown 22803 0.16%
Netscape 4053 0.03%
Zeus 2705 0.02%
squid 1876 0.01%
Secure 952 0.01%
cpsrvd 942 0.01%
nginx 738 0.01%
[Secure 663 0.00%
Other 7263 0.05%
Total 68675 0.48%

Upgrade (Downgrade) Report

Select revision:

Apache/2.0.52 Gained Most from:
Revision Count % of Apache's Share
Apache/2.0.51 9149 0.06%
Apache/2.0.49 7873 0.06%
Apache/1.3.27 6032 0.04%
Apache/2.0.50 4762 0.03%
Apache/2.0.40 4224 0.03%
Apache/2.0.48 3836 0.03%
Apache/1.3.26 2206 0.02%
Apache/1.3.31 2063 0.01%
Apache/1.3.29 2028 0.01%
Other 9505 0.07%
Total 51678 0.36%

Apache/2.0.52 Lost Most To:
Revision Count % of Apache's Share
Apache 21285 0.15%
Apache/1.3.33 6662 0.05%
Apache/2.0.40 2604 0.02%
Apache/1.3.27 1439 0.01%
Apache/2.0.49 1136 0.01%
Apache/1.3.31 373 0.00%
Apache/2.0.50 169 0.00%
Apache/1.3.29 140 0.00%
Apache/1.3.26 119 0.00%
Other 477 0.00%
Total 34404 0.24%

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